Role of gaming apps in improving your mental healt


2.3 billion. That’s how many gamers are there in the world. The Chinese gaming market alone is set to surpass $35 billion in revenue by 2021!

Video games. Whether you despise them or can’t live without them, there is a high chance that you have come across a variety of gaming apps in different facets of your lives.

As kids, Counter-Strike and Fifa were a sanctuary for many. As adults, gaming communities provide a lot of people with a sense of belonging. Additionally, some companies even use gaming apps as a recruitment tool!

There has been a lot of discussion regarding the merits and demerits of playing video games. One advantage that is often ignored is the role of gaming apps in improving a person’s mental health.

What type of gaming apps are good for your mental health?

Whenever someone says that a given thing is good for a person’s mental health, the first thing that crosses everyone’s mind is that the said thing will be intellectually challenging. Hence, when it comes to gaming apps, people tend to think that only memory-related and mind games help improve mental health.

Well, this is not the case with gaming apps. The surprising news is that all gaming apps can contribute to improved mental health. For instance, AirG spam free games including multiple categories, can actually help you in combatting depression and anxiety.

A study was conducted by Carolina University to gauge the effect of playing “normal” and “fun” video games on the mind. The results of the study were astonishing! As per the research, playing popular games for approximately 30 minutes a day can help in reducing anxiety as well as clinical depression.

Additionally, different studies found evidence that such gaming apps don’t just help the young population of the world in learning how to socialize and be part of a community. Instead, they are just as helpful for adults. It helps in promoting a positive aging experience.

How gaming apps improve mental health and well-being?

According to the various research conducted on the matter, it has been discovered that video games, by their nature, have an array of design elements that help contribute to a person’s health. Here are positive effects caused by video games on a person’s mental well-being.

1. A rise in emotional stability

According to research conducted by Kutner and Olson in 2008 and Wang in 2008, it has been discovered that gaming apps can help ensure positive emotions and emotional stability in gamers. This translates into a relaxed mind, which in turn ensures stress reduction.

However, it is important to note here that these studies recommended playing video games in moderation. The best outcome was observed in those who occasionally played games compared to those with extremely high or scarce use.

For instance, depression was found to be significantly lower in the group, which were asked to play video games occasionally compared to the “high” and “never” group.

Kutner and Olson’s study also found out that young boys who didn’t play video games at all during the week were at risk of a high emotional disturbance. Especially among males, video games have been associated with a way to regulate emotions, relaxation tools, and an escape from everyday concerns.

2. A sense of fulfillment

Games, especially those that offer challenging tasks to gamers, which slowly rise in difficulty, present themselves as a hurdle that a person has to overcome. However, since such games are designed only to get difficult once a person gets accustomed to a given level, it is easier for people to emerge victorious in such challenges.

This helps guarantee that a person feels accomplished. In a world where it is hard to come off at a better end, whether it be personally or professionally, gaming apps provide a sense of fulfillment to those who are seeking accomplishments in their lives.

It doesn’t matter if the feeling is fleeting or if the victory has to affect one’s everyday life. When a person is immersed in the game, these small victories help in boosting self-esteem. With a happier and relaxed mind, an individual’s mental health will improve drastically.

3. Fostering social relationships

Your mental health cannot be improved in isolation. There are various aspects of life and a variety of skills that you must master to make sure that your mental health remains sound.

One skill that is often thought to affect mental health directly is how you socialize. You might have heard of the cliché phrase- Human beings are social animals. As much as you hate this phrase, the fact is that there is a lot of truth in it.

Human beings can’t remain happy in isolation. We are programmed to live in a community. However, some of us are not as great at building social relationships and friendships as others. For such individuals, it is easy to feel alone, depressed, and anxious.

Gaming can help combat it all since it aids in building social relationships. If you use the right games, you will meet a lot of people online. So, you will learn the art of conversing with others. You might even find like-minded people to befriend.

When you build strong social relationships via your contribution to the gaming community, you will automatically feel like peace.

Verdict: Play away!

Gaming apps do play an active role in improving your mental health. It provides people with a positive outlook on life. It relaxes the brain and serves as the perfect escape from your everyday concerns.

So, the next time you feel down, choose a quality game, and play away. If someone stops you from doing so by telling you that it is unproductive, then you can easily list down reasons why you are doing yourself a favor by playing games!

Just don’t get carried away, and you are good to go. Do you think there are other ways gaming apps can benefit someone? Let us know





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