Our Top 10 Bargain Nintendo Switch Games! – Eshop games on SALE NOW!


Our Top 10 Nintendo Switch eShop games on sale right now! The Nintendo Switch eShop has a bunch of games on sale at all times – this week we’re highlighting our top 10 games across the EU, UK and US eShops with deals on offer. Typo on the Jurassic World Euro prize! should be €17.99 not €1.99, apologies, how did this get past the QC, I don’t know! How to access different Eshop regions: https://switchwatch.co.uk/switch-esho… TO BUY ESHOP CARDS IN MOST REGIONS VISIT WWW.SWITCHWATCH.NET If you are looking for a place to get the latest reviews of switches and news so please consider subscribing – we also appreciate feedback so let us know what you think! If you’re looking for a place to get the latest Switch reviews and news, consider subscribing – we appreciate feedback too, so let us know what you think! We’ve created an Amazon page where you can browse the games and accessories we’ve reviewed and recommended, buying anything from this link gives us a small commission which we put back into the channel – it means a lot to us if you use it! https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/switchwatch ***********Follow us on social media***************** ** ******* Twitter: https://twitter.com/SwitchWatchTV Instagram: switchwatchtv Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SwitchWatchTV Website: https://switchwatch.co.uk/ L SwitchWatch team – James, Juan and Jordan.



  1. Hope you have a great weekend. Here are some Bargains to look forward too! All the best, Juan.
    Ps sorry on the euro price of Jurassic World. Typo! Don't know how that got past! It's €17.99 not €1.99

  2. what games would you guys reccommend for a 12 year old kid, I have $15, he told me he wants some kind of adventure or action game but his parents are kinda restrictive so it has to be family friendly, thanks
    I thought on buying megaman and yooka-layle but im not sure

  3. All the Cave shmup ports are on sale as well right now, at least in the U.K.. If people want some absolutely insane bullet hell action, they’re classics. I personally went for Dodonpachi Resurrection.


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